Calling all coffee lovers! This one is for you. Asia Ability ran a fun and engaging team building session for AON insurance held at Grand Hyatt Singapore earlier this September. This round it was all about the beans and strategically selling them during trading year! A great 1 ½ hour session of Bean around the World can boost energy after a long day of conference and that did exactly that for the team.
There were almost 100 participants involved in this session. It was great fun on our part bringing teams together and seeing them truly seeing the dynamic of the programme. Participants were mixed up into different groups to get to know other members within the organization. A briefing was given to understand the rules of the game, all the different trading years with added clues and tips to look out for. It was interesting to see everyone’s faces at the very beginning and the change at the end. There were essentials given to each team to start trading with one another.
The game had a slow start, but once they got the hang of the game everyone was running from table to table, treating it as though it’s a different port to perform some negotiation. Aon Insurance was pretty aggressive as each team did their best to negotiate for a coffee bean bag.
At the end of a trading year, teams had to show us what they’ve earned during the trading period and in return, they earn money (fake, of course!). There were some teams who didn’t manage to cash in their beans because they missed out on the clue that was shown on notes.
After a few rounds of the game, the room exploded in laughter and excitement. Everyone was engaged in the activity, eager to catch the hint to earn more for their team at the end of the next trading period. Once it was over, scores were gathered and the winning team was announced. The Aon team were very supportive of one another despite their competitive spirit. They cheered on the winning team for their great effort together.