Teams learn process improvement combining a jumble of model cars.
Faced with a jumble of model components, teams must switch into overdrive to assemble a range of ‘snap together’ concept cars in record time. Optimising flow is critical to success as teams are challenged to form ultra efficient assembly lines and shave seconds off successive build times. The pressure is further intensified with the realisation that each car has its own specific style and bolt on extras. Quality is everything; the final output from sedan to sports utility vehicle must meet exacting customer expectations. Speed is rewarded but small mistakes can see teams slipping down the leader board. As the learning progresses and each stage is reviewed, the focus moves from individual team times to sharing best practice between teams to achieve the best possible aggregate production time. Final group times are measured against previous participants ‘best ever’ results.
In Need 4 Speed teams explore, practise and understand best practise and process improvement in an engaging and practical context. Need 4 Speed clearly shows how processes can be improved if consistent methodology is applied and all team members take ownership of the changes and put them into action. It is a great platform to ignite discussion within a context of practical fun.
The uber cool design and tactile nature of the car models are guaranteed to bring out the inner child in all who take part.
Just a quick note to say thanks for a fantastic morning - I have had awesome feedback from everyone that participated in Need 4 Speed and a lot of good lessons were taken out of the activity.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise team improve their performance with fast paced, exciting and engaging team building event – Need for Speed.